GForce Tyre

G Force Tyres & Exhaust

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[fvd_getdata return=VehicleImage] [fvd_getdata return=RegistrationGraphic]
Vehicle Information Make: [fvd_getdata return=BasicVehicleDetails value=Make], Shows the Make of the vehicle.,Ford Model: [fvd_getdata return=BasicVehicleDetails value=Model], Shows the Model of the vehicle.,Fiesta Colour: [fvd_getdata return=BasicVehicleDetails value=Colour], Shows the Colour of the vehicle.,Grey Vehicle Type: [fvd_getdata return=VehicleType], Shows vehicle type,Car Body Style: [fvd_getdata return=BodyStyle], Shows the body type,SUV Fuel Type: [fvd_getdata return=BasicVehicleDetails value=FuelType], Shows the Fuel Type of the vehicle.,Diesel BHP: [fvd_getdata return=BHP],Shows the Brake Horse Power,160BHP Top Speed: [fvd_getdata return=TopSpeed],Shows the vehicles top speed,113 MPH 0-60 MPH: [fvd_getdata return=zerotosixty],Shows vehicles 0-60MPH Acceleration speed,11.3 Secs Insurance Group: [fvd_getdata return=InsuranceGroup],Shows the insurance group of the vehicle,Group 16 V5C Issue Date: [fvd_getdata return=BasicVehicleDetails value=DateOfLastV5CIssued],Shows the last changed date of V5C document,11th Sept 2020 Year: [fvd_getdata return=BasicVehicleDetails value=YearOfManufacture],The year of the vehicle,2014 Vehicle Age: [fvd_getdata return=BasicVehicleDetails value=Age],The age of vehicle in years and months,10 years 4 months Date of Registration: [fvd_getdata return=BasicVehicleDetails value=DateOfFirstRegistration],When the vehicle was first registered,06 September 2010 Cylinder Capacity: [fvd_getdata return=BasicVehicleDetails value=CylinderCapacity],The cylinder capacity of the vehicle,1390cc Mileage Information Last Record: [fvd_getdata return=BasicVehicleDetails value=LastMileageRecord],Last recorded mileage record with date,110143 mi (15 Jun 2020) Average Yearly Mileage: [fvd_getdata return=BasicVehicleDetails value=AverageMileagePerYear] ([fvd_getdata return=BasicVehicleDetails value=IsMileageAverageMessage]),Average yearly mileage of vehicle with a message to show if vehicle mileage is average,11300 (above average) Estimated Mileage Now: [fvd_getdata return=BasicVehicleDetails value=EstimatedMileageNow],The estimated total mileage of the vehicle now,117100 mi [fvd_getdata return=mileagechart type=barchart hexcolor=#69d2e7],Graphical mileage graph - graph colour can be changed (hexcolor=) and type= can be changed to linechart/barchart Outputs mileage graph, MOT [fvd_getdata return=TitleMOT],Displays MOT title with red/green tick/cross image based on MOT status,(tick)/(cross) MOT MOT Due Date: [fvd_getdata return=BasicVehicleDetails value=DateMotDue],The date next vehicle MOT is due,14 Jun 2021 Days Left: [fvd_getdata return=BasicVehicleDetails value=DaysLeftUntilMotDue],How many days until next MOT due,139 days left Previous MOT Records: [fvd_getdata return=BasicVehicleDetails value=TotalMotRecords],Total MOT records a vehicle has,9 Last MOT Date: [fvd_getdata return=BasicVehicleDetails value=LastMotDate],The last MOT date of the vehicle,15 Jun 2020 MOT Status: [fvd_getdata return=BasicVehicleDetails value=MotStatusDescription],Vehicles current MOT status,Valid TAX [fvd_getdata return=TitleTAX],Displays TAX title with red/green tick/cross image based on TAX status,(tick)/(cross) TAX Road Tax Status: [fvd_getdata return=BasicVehicleDetails value=RoadTaxStatusDescription],Vehicles road tax status,Taxed/Untaxed/Sorn Road Tax Due: [fvd_getdata return=BasicVehicleDetails value=DateRoadTaxDue],Date when road tax renewal is due,01 Apr 2021 Road Tax Days left: [fvd_getdata return=BasicVehicleDetails value=DaysLeftUntilRoadTaxDue],How many days until road tax is due,65 days left co2 Emissions: [fvd_getdata return=BasicVehicleDetails value=Co2Emissions] ([fvd_getdata return=BasicVehicleDetails value=Co2Marker]),Co2 emissions and marker,144 (F) Twelve Month Tax Cost: £[fvd_getdata return=BasicVehicleDetails value=TwelveMonthsTaxRate],Estimated twelve month tax rate,£165 Six Month Tax Cost: £[fvd_getdata return=BasicVehicleDetails value=SixMonthsTaxRate],Estimated six month tax rate,£90.75 [fvd_getdata return=taxbandimage],Shows tax band image based on Co2 marker,Displays image MOT HISTORY [fvd_returnmotrecord record=0],Displays last MOT record, [fvd_returnmotrecord record=1],Displays MOT record 1, [fvd_returnmotrecord record=2],Displays MOT record 2, [fvd_returnmotrecord record=3],Displays MOT record 3, [fvd_returnmotrecord record=4],Displays MOT record 4, [fvd_returnmotrecord record=5],Displays MOT record 5, [fvd_returnmotrecord record=6],Displays MOT record 6, [fvd_returnmotrecord record=7],Displays MOT record 7, [fvd_returnmotrecord record=8],Displays MOT record 8, [fvd_returnmotrecord record=9],Displays MOT record 9, [fvd_returnmotrecord record=10],Displays MOT record 10, [fvd_returnmotrecord record=11],Displays MOT record 11, [fvd_returnmotrecord record=12],Displays MOT record 12, [fvd_returnmotrecord record=13],Displays MOT record 13, [fvd_returnmotrecord record=14],Displays MOT record 14, [fvd_returnmotrecord record=15],Displays MOT record 15, [fvd_returnmotrecord record=16],Displays MOT record 16, [fvd_returnmotrecord record=17],Displays MOT record 17, [fvd_returnmotrecord record=18],Displays MOT record 18, [fvd_returnmotrecord record=19],Displays MOT record 19,