GForce Tyre

G Force Tyres & Exhaust

Welcome to G Force Tyres & Exhaust

Caring for your vehicle and keeping it in good operating condition takes a effort however, you don’t need to be a mechanical wizard to keep your vehicle operating smoothly. The most difficult part is being aware of what must be performed and how often for optimal maintenance for your vehicle. If you know the basics about the requirements of your vehicle and when to conduct routine maintenance on your car and repairs, you can make sure that your vehicle is in good working order. Lets learn about how to get Cheap car service in Farnborough


For proper maintenance on your vehicle check the following:


Each month or at least every couple of gasoline fill-ups, but especially prior to any long journeys it’s an excellent plan to get under the hood of your vehicle and check the levels of coolant and oil when the engine is at a cool. A low level of either can cause engine issues when left unchecked. Consult your owner’s guide to determine the levels on the specific vehicle you own.


The air filter in your engine is the one that regulates the flow of air through your engine, and assists in keeping out debris and particles. If you can ensure that the air filter in your engine is working in a proper manner, you can increase your fuel efficiency, lower your emissions, and prolong the longevity that your vehicle will last. This is easily done at home. Make sure you check your owner’s manual to find out how and the frequency it will need to be changed.


It is crucial that the headlights in your car are working, but it’s easy to forget about. Every month, switch on your headlights when parking on an even surface. You should also ensure whether both lights are operating correctly and are properly positioned. Take a walk around your car and inspect the turn signals as well as the parking light. A friend should stand in front of the car as you apply the brakes to ensure that the brake lights are working.


The motor oil that is in your vehicle’s engine performs various tasks: it helps lubricate the moving parts, acts as a sealant to keep debris out and cools the engine. It also helps reduce wear and aids in preventing corrosion of the engine. It is crucial to keep it clean for ensuring the health of your engine. Based on the model of your vehicle and the kind the oil that you are using it is possible to change both your oil and filter every six months or 10,000 km. A lot of newer vehicle owners manuals suggest replacing your oil less frequently typically between 10,000 and 16,000 miles. Review the owner’s guide for your car and talk to a professional to ensure that the recommended oil level is the best option for your car.


Based on your vehicle’s alignment as well as your usage and other variables your tread patterns of your tyres can differ between the tyres on the back and front or even between one edge of tread and the opposite. Rotating your tyres and getting Cheap car service in Farnborough helps to prolong the life of your tyres through more equally in balancing tread wear as well as preventing vibration and noise issues.


Make sure to apply wax to your car every six months following washing it will not only keep the paint shiny, but aid in keeping your paint and the vehicle in great condition and lessen the likelihood of developing rust. A variety of irritants like dust, sand and salt build up , and environmental factors like ultraviolet light and ozone can cause tiny damage However, waxing may help reduce this risk by creating the protective seal needed to prolong the life of your paint.