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Many car owners fear the MOT test due to the increasing costs of MOT fees. The MOT test will cost you a nominal fee but it’s the repair fees which add to the total cost. There have been instances where the cost of MOT tests had been strewn to up to PS375. But, the MOT test is required for all vehicles to make sure you are in compliance with the standards of road safety and environmental protection.

However, you are able to reduce and get Cheap MOT Service in Farnborough before it even happens. You read it correctly. This article reveals the top tips to lower the cost of your MOT

Maintain your vehicle regularly

It could be one of the main factors to reduce the price for your annual MOT. Many cars fail the MOT testing and end on the receiving end of costly bills due to issues with maintenance. Therefore, experts suggest that you get regular car maintenance to avoid costly repairs in the nick of time. It is important to keep an eye for the parts of your car regularly and be sure that you have the correct repairs before they are too far. If your vehicle receives prompt maintenance, it will ensure better security on the road and is more likely to pass the MOT test.

18.7 percent of vehicles fail the tests due to lighting or issues with signaling, 12.5 percent for suspension problems and 10.2 percent of cars fail tests due to brake issues.

Have the light and signal tested prior to testing

As stated in the previous paragraph, most vehicles fail their MOT due to problems with signal and light. It is therefore recommended to get an annual check-up of your car’s light and signal. This will allow you to identify any potential issues early and get the fix completed before you take your car to the check.

Be sure to conduct regular inspections of your the front and rear lights, headlights as well as indicators, hazard light high beams, and dip lights. When the coating of yellow on the indicator is beginning to show and you think it’s time to get it replaced quickly.

Be aware about treads on your tyres

A car must have at least 1.6 millimetres of tread on each tyre for it to successfully pass an MOT. If your vehicle doesn’t meet with the minimum requirements, the vehicle will get a status “failed” even when the other components are in good state. So, you must be sure to check the tread of the tyre regularly to ensure that you get replacements in time prior to sending the vehicle for an MOT.

There’s a trick for 20p to test the tread of your tyre. Simply push your coin of 20p into the tread of the tyre. If you can see its edge, then the tyre is in need of replacement.

Check the pressure of your tyres

It’s an important thing to be aware of when trying to understand how you can reduce the costs to get Cheap MOT Service in Farnborough. Tyres must be changed as time passes. However, you can improve the life of your tyre by maintaining the tread of your tyre in good shape. As per experts, maintaining the proper degree of pressure in the tyre is vital to the long-term durability of the tread. Tyres that are underinflated slow the vehicle as well as increase the fuel consumption. However the tyres that are overinflated damage the treads faster, requiring regular replacements. Therefore, ensure that you get an annual check-up of pressure on your tyres in order to prevent unnecessary wear and wear.